Working with Your Legislator

Legislative Committee Work for 2023-2024
Lobbying legislators on bills that have already been filed can be effective, but it is far easier to make changes before bills are formally introduced.
For that reason, it is imperative that VEBA members, especially those active on the legislative committee, get to know their delegates and senators and remain in contact with them throughout the year, not just during the annual session, and ask them to contact you for input to any election legislation they want to propose.
You can start to communicate with those members who are running unopposed or who are expected to win their election even before the election. As soon as the election is complete please try to develop a relationship with all of your legislators and start to discuss the VEBA legislative proposal which is to extend the deadline for submission of abstracts from 7 to 10 days. See General Legislation.
It is also important to cultivate relationships with the legislative aides as well as the members themselves. Email addresses and phone numbers for elected officials are readily available on their websites.
Try to meet your Delegate and Senator in person at a local event and introduce yourself as both a constituent and as an electoral board member active in VEBA. Be prepared to explain the role of electoral boards, their responsibilities, and how board members are appointed.