VEBA Board Meetings

Your VEBA Board of Directors is committed to open and transparent business meetings. Effective immediately meeting announcements and past meeting minutes shall be posted on the VEBA website not less than three business days prior to the call to order. Members are invited to follow the provided link to join the ZOOM meeting. 

Members will be allowed to make comments as provided in the VEBA Membership Comment/Presentation Policy below (adopted by the VEBA Board 10/28/2024).

VEBA Membership Comment/Presentation Policy

(adopted by the VEBA Board 10/28/2024)

Meeting Schedule

Board meetings are normally held at 8:00 a.m. on the first Monday of each month, however, the next meeting will take place after lunch on Tuesday, March 25th, after lunch at the Annual Meeting in Hot Springs.

A. Membership Comment

VEBA allows members to present comments on issues deserving their attention during membership comment agenda item at Board of Director and the annual membership meetings. If you wish to speak, please observe the policy below regarding membership address and the presentation of visuals.

  • Active members wishing to speak will be recognized during the membership comment item in the agenda;
  • Each speaker has three minutes, whether speaking as an individual or a representative;
  • All comments must be directed to the Chair and other members of the Board of Directors. Please begin by stating your name and locality. Debate between speakers and members of the audience will not be allowed;
  • Speakers may leave any written statements and/or comments with the board Secretary;
  • Speakers will be judged out of order should the speaker engage in personal attacks, use of profanity, abusive language, or debate with the audience and not address the Board;
  • Accepted etiquette is to not applaud or make loud responses.

B. Membership Presentations

VEBA welcomes visuals and presentations that support member comments made during membership address. These normally require more than the four minutes allotted for comments. Individuals wishing to make presentations shall contact the VEBA Board Secretary to request time on the agenda for such presentations. Requests to make a presentation must be approved by the President. Requests for visual presentations will not be accepted on the day of the meeting.

  • Please provide five copies of the presentation to the Board when comments are presented;
  • Speakers with electronic presentations should contact the VEBA Board Secretary prior to the meeting to see if an electronic presentation can be supported in the location of the meeting;
  • Sound files on their own or embedded into PowerPoint or linked into presentations will not be supported.